Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15

1}  Thankful for a fridge and cupboards full of food even if we think it's almost empty.  I grocery shop every 2 weeks (that's when we get paid)...right now we are a week and a half from the last time I shopped...this is when everything starts to feel empty and I start hearing, "we don't have anything to eat!"...
when in fact we have a bowl of fruit on the table
a cupboard with 3 boxes of crackers, a bag of pretzels, various bags dried fruit.
a fridge with veggies {and dips}, cheese, meat, etc....
It's the same food they've been eating for over a week, so they want something, it feels like we don't have anything, but I know I could feed them for another 2 weeks without going to the store.

2}  I'm so very thankful that my kids don't know the meaning of truly being hungry!  How many times have you had this conversation...
kid-I'm hungry...
parent-eat an apple ....
kid-I'm not hungry for an apple....
parent-then you can wait for dinner...
kid-but I'm starving...
parent-if you were hungry then you'd eat the apple....
as frustrating as that can be, I am also thankful that they have never experienced true hunger.

3}  Thankful for crocheting...
this pattern is NOT in English, but this video helped me get it
it's a fun pattern and different from most crochet patterns.
I took a few years off from crocheting but picked it back up about 2 years ago...and I am loving it!  I have some friends that come over once a week for our 'hookin' nights and I'm really enjoying our time and our creations.

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